Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Why Another Blog?

What's this all about, anyway? Why did I create another blog when I already have Liberalpro? I guess the answer is that first of all, I felt like it. Second of all, this blog, at least until November of 2008, is going to be mainly devoted to the Presidential election (like we don't have enough already) and to the quest of getting Mike Gravel elected.

This will be a difficult job, so I figured that the effort should have its own blog. It should be easy to get Senator Gravel elected, look at who his rivals are. On the Democratic side you have two corporate financed politicians that have no concrete plans to dis-engage from Iraq, and when it comes to reversing the damage that George W. Bush has done to this country, they really haven't a clue on where to start. Both Obama and Clinton have no real experience in stopping a war, but plenty of experience in helping to start one. The Republicans are still pursuing the Bush dream of conquest and empire, still believing that might and firepower are greater weapons than the truth. I believe that by the time November rolls around, the situation in Iraq will be so untenable, that the Republican nominee won't even be a factor in the race.

I also believe that Mike Gravel is the only truly sane person that is running for President. The constant posturing by Clinton and Obama, the constant re-invention of themselves and their policies, have left them not even knowing who they are anymore. It's a good thing Obama has a strong partner in marriage that can remind him every so often who he is and what he formerly stood for before this election got him turned inside-out. When it comes to Hillary however, her husband lost track of who he was the minute he started calling Bush Sr. "Dad". Poor Hillary is probably too old to last through the amount of psycho-therapy she needs to find herself again.She's apparently a lost cause, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Senator Gravel however knows exactly who he is and he hasn't changed one iota since throwing his hat in the ring. I believe that he will be the only one still gaining the trust and support as an independent come fall. That's the beauty of running an honest campaign based on true values. Later on you don't have to remember what lies you told to whatever group you are speaking to. On November 3rd, people will be shaking their heads in disbelief at the two candidates of the major corporate owned parties. Its exactly like the old saying; "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time". In this modern information age with all of the tools at our disposal, we can track every lie that comes out of a politicians mouth, something that was impossible for an ordinary person to do a decade ago.

The main reason I support Gravel is because he is a realist. He sees things exactly the way they are, and he is not afraid to talk about it. This is something of a miracle in this age of trying to be all things to all people. This is the path that many people in this election year have tried to do. Romney, Rudy, Dodd, Biden and Richardson tried that. Some were good people, but lost their way when they tried to please the polls instead of their conscience. Mike has not gone down that road. He knows the difference between right and wrong and is not shy about telling us about it. I have not been able to find a conflicting statement in anything I've heard him say.That's truly an amazing feat in this day and age of instant public opinion.

I'm ready to go to work for Mike. I can write about him and I have a radio show on Blog Talk Radio where he can get his message out on. I want a return to basic constitutional law. I want an America with a conscience. I want an America that doesn't put business and money over its people. I want an America that doesn't look all over the world for a fight, an America that looks after it's people and it's interests, but still manages to stay out of the affairs of other nations. I believe that this is what most people want. We want an honest government that tries to bring Americans a better life. I want to leave this nation's young people an America that was better than the way we found it. This is the American dream. I believe Mike Gravel supports that dream, so I support him

That's the way I see it.

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