Monday, February 11, 2008

A Gravel/Nader Ticket? You Say You Want A Revolution?

I received an e-mail from the Gravel campaign and in it was a petition to start a Gravel/Nader or Nader Gravel ticket. I signed that petition. I realize that many people believe that Nader is a “spoiler” but I think differently. The problem lies not with Ralph Nader, but with the Democratic Party. The way I justify my argument is that if the Democrats would stop presenting us with the Military Industrialist Complex candidate “du joir”, then we could rally around a candidate we could all support.

I know that the Democratic candidates cannot appear too “liberal”, as it would alienate many from the party that are more moderate. The problem for me is that I can no longer consider myself a Democrat, mainly because the Democrats represent issues that don’t appeal to me at all. I must be one of those “crazy lefties” you read about in the MSM, even though I served in the military for almost 21 years. Think about that. Is it me that has gone so far to the left, or is it our nation that has gone too far to the right?

I believe 9/11 was connected to others besides al Qaeda, if that group was ever involved at all. You have to ask yourself “Cui Bono?” or who benefits? The Project for a New American Century said that we needed something on the order of a new Pearl Harbor, and Bingo!, we have 9/11. I have my doubts about the way the towers fell and the pulverized concrete. I saw the jet fuel burn when the planes hit the towers “outside” the towers. I saw black smoke coming out of the towers. I know that jet fuel burns at 1200 F and that the beams were supposed to hold to 2400 F. Black smoke means that the fire needed more oxygen and means a cooler fire. You figure it out. I’ve already done my homework and things don’t add up. So call me a “conspiracy theorist”. We are talking trillions of dollars for the MIC. Who benefits?

I believe that a slate with Nader and Gravel would be a team we could absolutely trust in the White House. These are people that are not tainted by corporate money. They both share most of the same views. I know that for myself, I would have a government that I could trust, not in the others that would embroil us in never-ending war for the sake of expanding America’s military might and influence.

I realize that many out there believe that they wouldn’t have a chance. Before you make that claim, think about everything the Democrats have done for our country since we voted in 2006. If that’s not enough to get your dander up, I don’t know what else will. Time after time, and promise after promise, we have seen the Democrats cave to the Republicans. Do you really want a Democratic President? They promise to “reach across the aisles”, frankly, except for three of four Republicans, I wouldn’t bother. I’m tired of watching this government sell off our country a parcel at a time. I didn’t stay in the military to get out and watch this country being sold off to the highest bidder. Most of our National Parks are either corporate-owed or sold off to the UN. Don’t believe me, check it out for yourself. Our industries are being sent overseas so that the bankers can maximize their profits and the industrialists can get slave labor, putting thousands of proud Americans out of work. You know it and I know it. Do you believe the Democrats with their “Special Interest” bundlers will change anything?

You say you want a “Revolution”? Well alright here it is. Let the powers that be know that we will accept nothing but the truth, wherever that may lead. Tell them that you don’t believe in war. Tell them you don’t believe in them period! Let them know we want to rescind the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and all the FISA shenanigans that this government has pulled. Tell them we want to trade with other nations, not to coerce them into supporting our view of how the world should be. These aren’t far-left views, they are purely American views. Let the world go its way and let this country go ours. We should stay out of foreign entanglements; the business of America is business. This is what our founders believed and this is what I believe. This is also what Gravel and Nader believe.

So, if you really want the “change” everyone is talking about, then stand this country on its ear and let the voice of true Progressivism ring out. Don’t go the way of the establishment and do what you are “supposed” to do and vote for the two-party system that has merged into one. The only ones that can make this happen are the American people. Don’t let them fool us all again. It’s all up to you. Either you want real change badly enough or you don’t. It all starts with one person at a time. Let that person be you.
Here is the link to the petition:

That’s the way I see it.

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