Friday, April 18, 2008

"Progressive" Kool-Aid

The reality is that the so-called “Progressive” websites, you know, the ones that beat up Bush and the Neo-Cons and tell you they are on the “Cutting Edge” of Liberal/Progressive politics, sites like Daily Kos,, TPM Muckracker and others, well the fact is while they are throwing around terms like Neo-Con “Kool-Aid”, they are serving up nothing but a different flavor of the same Kool-Aid that they abhor, this time its Corporate Democrat flavored Kool-Aid.

In fact, if you look closely at these sites, you will hardly even be able to tell that only six months ago, these very same sites were running articles from Progressives that were castigating both parties. Like clockwork, the majority of the “radical” Progressives fell in line behind their Jackass Party to vote and campaign for the “lesser of two evils” as in so many elections before. Don’t blame the writers, at least not all of them; blame the “gatekeepers” of the Progressive wing of the DNC. Blame those that have foisted the idea that these sites were somehow “alternative” and were somehow outside of the conventional duopoly of this American political system. See how far any writer gets that criticizes the sainted Barack Obama and calls him out on the bundled campaign donations totaling millions that he has taken from investment bankers and hedge fund managers. See if your articles see the light of day when you write how he turned his back on his Arab-=American constituency in Illinois to embrace the principles of AIPAC. Watch how fast you are branded anti-Semitic if you question our loyalty to a radical regime in Tel-Aviv that can’t be discerned from the neo-cons in Washington.

This country needs more Democrats in Congress and in the White House like another War in the Middle-East. Doesn’t anyone remember what Pelosi did with her new-found majority in Congress? She stated as one of her first objectives that “Impeachment was off the table”. Impeachments off the table, what the hell were they thinking when they came up with that? Since then we have been spied on, we have increased the number of troops in Iraq without an end in sight, we have dropped another 100 tons of depleted uranium on the country of Iraq, pissed off the Russians, saber-rattled on Iran, and tortured an untold number of human beings! Are these gatekeepers of the Democratic Party really so naive that they believe that writers who have been speaking truth to power for so many years are going to follow them blindly into another corporate political party trap? Apparently a number of writers already have. Some writers that I have always respected have gone willingly to the DNC with their keyboards sheepishly in their hands. I’ve been personally vilified for not falling into line. It’s a bitch when you see sites that once headlined your articles promoting the same political propaganda that you’ve been fighting against for years.

So call me a radical. I guess when push comes to shove, that is exactly what I am. I realize that if you are going to write what you believe in this once great nation, there is bound to be blowback. I just never expected it to come from the direction that it’s been coming at me. I’m not surprised at the people that have again taken the Democrats to heart; I just never expected that there would be so many of them. I guess the American people can be fooled over and over again because they are so busy waiting for their rebates so they can buy the newest type of cell-phone so they can text their friends.

When genuine alternative candidates emerge, they are marginalized by the corporate mainstream media and kicked off debates without a word being said by the masses. Meanwhile they cheer when the comedian George Carlin tells them how F**ked they really are! You figure it out. Seems like the American People have lost the art of critical thinking to the point that they will believe anything as long as Daily Kos and OpEdNews and other “Progressive” sites say it’s OK to become screwed again. This is the total definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I know what Barack Obama is; he is a politician. He may be a good politician, but he is just another politician just the same. At this particular juncture of American history, with all that is on our table, with all that has happened in the last decade, we need another politician like a collective hole in our heads. We need a Statesman, not another damned politician.

People can continue to drink that Kool-Aid they are serving from the “Progressive Media” but I’ll have none of it. I’ve seen what happens to people that drink that Kool-Aid. I’ve seen what happens to the people around them. I’ve seen this country raped for everything that we hold dear, like our manufacturing jobs, out budget being poured into the sands of the Middle-East, the deaths of our Sons and Daughters for profits that go to the defense contractors and their shareholders. The word “Progressive” to me is just another word for Democrat. There is nothing “Progressive” about the Democratic Party, just as there is nothing “Conservative” about the Republicans’, it’s all the same type of hyperbole that we have been assaulted with for decades. My biggest fear is that when Americans finally get around to giving a goddamn about what is happening to their freedoms and their country, that it will be too late, if it isn’t already. If and when that happens and people are dragged away screaming and protesting about those “rights” that are being usurped at the time they are taken away, I don’t want to hear it. Those “rights” that they think they have are almost gone now. This country needs a political revolution and I don’t see the Democrats figuring in it at all. This I sincerely believe is our last chance to turn this republic around.

I believe that Jesse Ventura will run with Mike Gravel on the Libertarian ticket. You don’t need to be a Libertarian to vote for them. You only need to be able to see the forest for the trees. We need to rid ourselves of the corporate influence that has permeated our political system. The stench from the MIC is not only hazardous to our republic, its killing hundreds of thousands around the world. Write Jesse Ventura at Ask him to run with Mike Gravel on the Libertarian Ticket. Make a difference and quit drinking the Kool-Aid these corporate parties are serving. Do it for yourself, do it for your planet. Don’t listen to people when they tell you that voting for Gravel and Ventura will put McCain in the White House, it will put Gravel and Ventura in the White House.

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